Delete Facebook Account Permanently Immediately
How can you delete your facebook account permanently?
How Does it work? "It will delete you facebook account in the facebook databased"....?
we want to search related meanings like that....
Delete Facebook account permanently immediately.
delete my facebook account now.
how do i delete my facebook to delete facebook.
account permanently without password.
deleting a facebook profile.
how to delete facebook account permanently.
cancel facebook to deactivate facebook
- Frist you log in your account
- Second click on Home beside button we can listing on "ACCOUNT SETTINGS"
- next go to lift side some more option of "Security",
- Click on that button
- After that go to below "Deactivate your account"
- Click "Deactivate your account" for Deactivation
- next some more options are available...? we can choose what are your reason for leaving facebook and explain further.
- After that go to click "Confirm" button
- next some window is available, that window name is "password Confirmation"
- we can put on "password".
- next go to "Deactivate Now" click it
- next some window is available,"security check" plz do writte it.
- and "submit" the button.
- Finaly we got a massage "You account has been Deactivated"
- We got delete facebook account proceger and done . Your account has been deactivated and you still have a chance to reactivate again. we got a "Delete Facebook account permanently immediately" .
Any Question...places ask me any one........